Use an Existing Working Copy

Using an existing working copy is the process of taking a working copy that exists on your file system and connecting it to Apache SubversionTM repository. If you have a brand new project that you want to import into your repository, then see the section Import resources into the repository. The following procedure assumes that you have an existing valid working copy on your file system.
  1. Click the Working Copies Manager toolbar button ( on Mac OS X) in the Working Copy view.
    This action opens the Working copies list dialog.
  2. Press the Add button.
  3. Select the working folder copy from the file system.

    With SVN 1.6 and earlier, you can use any directory located in a working copy as a standalone working copy. This helps you avoid loading a whole working copy when needing to work only on a small part of it.

    Starting with SVN 1.7, all the internal information of a working copy is kept only in the root directory. To track outside changes properly, Syncro SVN Client needs to load the whole working copy.

  4. Optionally you can press the Edit button to change the name of the working copy that is displayed in the Working Copy view.

    The name is useful to differentiate between working copies located in folders with the same name. The default name is the name of the root folder of the working copy.

    To change the working copies order, use the two arrow buttons which move the selected working copy one position up or down.

  5. Press the OK button.
The selected working copy is loaded and presented in the Working Copy view.